Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gandhi and his visible love

In remembrance of Gandhi on his  Birthday
Gandhi was one of those teachers, who stood for what he believed, and he lived his whole life taking actions that cost him so much, but in return, he was able to become a great leader and a great example in which the world looked up and still looking up to.
Image credit viceof influence.com
Gandhi is mostly known for his nonviolence platform, but he also loved the poor and the poor in people. He wanted to be able to relate to them.  He wanted them to know it is possible to live a life filled with joy without having this world's possessions, so he took action. He took action by giving away all his possession and living amongst the poor. He dressed like them, starved like they do; felt the coldness of being without a home, and being an outcast, but in spite of that, he was field with joy. He wanted to make it a point wealth is not a source of joy.  Materials are temporary, only through prayer, love and finding truth we could find ourselves, and the way to find ourselves is by being lost in serving others.

          Image credit pickthebraing.com  
Gandhi believed if we could believe in God, not by our intellect, but with our whole being, we will love all mankind without any distinction of race or class, nation or religion. We will work for the unity of mankind. 
In the book "The mind of Mahatma Gandhi he states, ” All my actions have their rise in my inalienable love of mankind. I have known no distinction between relatives and strangers, countrymen and foreigners, white and colored, Hindus and Indians of other faiths whether Muslims, pareses, Christians or Jews. I may say my heart is incapable of making any distinction. By a long process of prayerful discipline, I have ceased over forty years to hate anybody. All men are brothers and no human being should be stranger to another. God is the common bond that unites all humanity and to break this bond even with our greatest enemy is to tear god himself to pieces. There is humanity even in the most wicked."
Image Credit cubanexilequarter.com 

Yes it is true there is humanity even in the most wicked, but we have to remember that we are all god’s children. We should try our best to live judgment to god. Our job in this world is only to love God and to love others. We need to show our love even to the ones who we don’t think deserves to be loved; because that is the only way we could win evil. We could win evil by loving the unlovable, by helping the helpless, by forgiving the unforgivable and by touching the untouchable.
“There only is life where there is love. Life without love is death. Love is the reverse of the coin of which the obverse is truth. It is my firm faith…that we can conquer the whole world by truth and Love.” 

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