Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Perfect Sun Light

The perfect sunlight surrounding my heart,
Feeling warm and cozy in this rainy night.
I am sitting in dark but it feels full of light;
People are shivering, somehow I feel alright.

The trees have no leafs and flowers are dying,
The sky is cloudy and the wind is blowing;
But my view is so clear with a beautiful sky,
Green leaves every where it is hard to deny.

The perfect sunlight, keeping my heart so warm,
People are rushing, but I feel really calm.
They don’t want to get wet, they are running so fast,
I am not so worried the sun is in my heart.
The beauty around me it is so overwhelming,
My heart is rejoicing and the sun is shining;
My view is striking it is really stunning,
I am so grateful to have such blessing.

God’s love is so much like a beautiful sunny day. It’s neither too cold nor too warm; It is comfortable, peaceful and just the perfect temperature. No matter how bad the situation gets around us, no matter how cloudy, dark or rainy the day seems to be, his love is always there to cheer us up and give us a sense of peace.  As it is written on Isaiah 60:20 "Your sun shall no more go down, nor your moon withdraw itself; for the lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended.” If only we are able to recognize him and turn our face from darkness to light we will be filled with a beautiful, peaceful, sunny days for the rest of our lives… “In the same way let your light shine on others so they may see your good work and give glory to your father who is in heaven.” Mathew 5:16

Photo Credit: every


  1. Thank you for this post Negat mamo. You are shining Just like your name, do you know the meaning of your name? As Christians we are supposed to let our light shine for Christ, and there are so many different ways to do this. God gives different talents to different people. Some have the talent to speak,( Like you) sing,(like me) and teach.
    However, there are other talents out there that we may not recognize as easily as the above mentioned, such as; listening, praying, or just being a good friend. People watch us in everything that we do, even when we don’t realize it, so we should always be aware of how, or rather who, our light is shining on.
    we should ask our self, If we shining today?
    Marta G/Egze

    1. Hi Martha, Thanks for visiting my site. very well said. It is true God uses every one in a different way. He just wants us to be willing to be used by him, so he can show us how we can help othes, and yes sometimes the simple things we do for others can be the most important...Thank you so much for sharing your insight as this site is all about learning from each other. Today I learned from you. I would love to have you become a member by clicking the "Join this site" button on the top right hand side. God bless.

  2. Other.. Shivering…The trees have no leafs and flowers are dying…
    But my view is so clear with a beautiful sky,….The perfect sunlight, keeping my heart so warm…ohhhhh…I love this
    In Psalm 23, David pictures the Lord as the Great Shepherd who provides for and protects His sheep (His children).
    In verse four, he says "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." The perfect sunlight is with me…
    What comfort can you find in knowing that God will protect and guide you during difficult time?
    when Other.. Shivering....yes! I have perfect sunlight to keep my heart so warm...

    May God bless you and keep you always in His care, on this journey and beyond.

    1. Thank you Bereket Decor. I love psalm 23. It must be the most comforting verse of the entire bible, and yes there is no comfort than knowing that God will protect and guide us during difficult time. As always it is a pleasure reading your comments.

  3. luv it all nice composition thanks for sharing Negat
